Thursday, 28 June 2012

Weather Warning In Newcastle-Upon-Tyne!

My fellow geordmericans,
                                       Great tragedy has struck the plants of our grand city of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne. There has been a MAJOR flood, well the biggest flood in Newcastle since the longbenton flood of '99. The pictures r bad, VERY BAD!

As seen


I mean there's bloody whales coming up the streets with see through anoraks on!

We will keep u posted on this news as time go's on!

Comment Question Of The Day!
What is the worst flood u been in?

Peace out Flooders!

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Twin Atlantic, All American Rejects and Blink 182!

Went to a gig lastnight with Rachel and RainMan!

Blink 182 supported by Twin Atlantic and The All American Rejects!

There's 1 pic of Twin Atlantic


Best... Seats... EVAR!




And Blink 182!


Blink 182!

Accoustic Set!

We went to meet them after the gig and ended up going to the wrong gate and when we did the bass player Mark Hoppus came to the other gate to sign some shit and we missed em, but i gotta plec :D so u know... go me!

got 3 video's as well

but blogspot is being gay, well im signing off with me Courage Best Beer... mmmmmmmmmm

Peace out Alcy, Blink 182 lovers!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Fathers Day With The 2 Dads!

Today is Fathers Day yes?

I bought patrick a nice pint glass saying worlds greatest dad or worlds best dad or summit and a card!

Colin i bought nothing, but im buying a pint or 2 or summit at The Cons Club!

Then X-Factor tomorrow

Then Blink 182 on Tuesday! :D YEY!

Well am going, we're waiting for a taxi

Comment Question Of The Day!
What did u get your father or spouses for fathers day?

Peace Out Fathers Day Lovers!

Saturday, 16 June 2012

The Evil Telstar Hole!

Rachel was suppost to be out drinking with her mates for her mates birthday, but it was sadly cut short when an evil hole attacked her and caused her to fall and damage herself... Most of all, damage her Teeth!

An artist depiction has been made by our Resident Police Sketch Artist Sgt. Pablo PiDoddso of Rachels face and the Hole!

Very Realistic Picture, looks almost life-like!

and the hole

Also... Very Realistic!

The woman at The Telstar Pub said that she was pissed and went to the bar about 10 times when she went twice, had 2 pints and there's CCTV footage to prove it!

She probly dont think there's a hole but look at the picture Sgt. Pablo PiDoddso done!

Stupid Get!

If u have any information at all please call 1-800-Cock-Knocker!

Thank u!

Peace out Telstarers!

Friday, 15 June 2012

Chris, Hellen and The President, Me!

I am with Chris and Hellen... Rachel is out tonight to town with her friends for her friends birthday!

We  r all having a drink at Hellen's but me being me... i'm not drinking! but i'm enjoying myself, i'm watching You've Been Framed! YEY!

Here's some pictures of us by our resident artist
Pablo PiDoddso



And Me, Sober As A Judge!

Well am offski's

Peace Out Piss Heads!

Sunday, 10 June 2012


I started a new drug the day before yesterday for me depression.

Yes i have Clinic Depression.

I'm currently on 150mg of Sertraline, i need to take the dosage down and go 100mg of Sertraline and 15mg of Mirtazapine then 50mg of Sertraline and 15mg of Mirtazapine, blah blah blah blah.

But i tried my Mirtazapine and ended making me hungry, dizzy, light headed and blurred vision, so ive had to stop them, i felt the same yesterday and today i feel a bit 'Bleh'

I dont really know what to say now, so im signing off

Peace out druggies!

Saturday, 9 June 2012

Miami Zombie Man

I have found a pic of the man who got his face eaten off by a man on the drug 'Bath Salts'

Bath Salts is a new 'Designer Drug' which is apparently a new strain of LSD that from what i have seen on the net gives the person Zombie-Like symptoms

Super human strength
Makes u 'Growl'
Makes u cannibalistic
and gives u a massive dose of Adrenaline

Here is a pic of the man done by our resident painter/drawer Pablo PiDoddso

Looks real!

Comment Question Of The Day
Do u think there is going to be a 'Zombie Apocalypse'?

Peace Out Horders!

Sunday, 3 June 2012


Today i went to see the film Prometheus, which is the Prequel to Alien

Apparently it wasent, but it was... there was to many things in Prometheus that was linked with Alien... like so

Weyland Yutani logo was on the movie Alien Vs. Predator

It was also on the side of all the vehicles and suits in Prometheus

As highlighted

AVP had Charles Bishop Weyland in it

Prometheus has Peter Weyland in it


The dead 'Space Jockey' in a pilots seat which oddly enough looks like a big ass gun is in Alien but is also in Prometheus and goes by the name 'The Engineer' like so

Alien (1979)

Prometheus (2012)


The Xenomorph on the wall of the Ampule Room Aka. 'Urn Room'

And Xenomorph in the Alien franchise


M41A "Pulse Rifle" From the Alien franchise

On a Prometheus website

The Weyland Storm Rifle


The 'Space Jockey'

The 'Space Jockey' was the alien they found in... well, Alien

And the 'Space Jockey' in Prometheus


The ship they find on LV-426 (Alien)

The ship they find on LV-223 (Promtheus)

That is to many coincidences for my liking!

Comment Question Of The Day!
Has anyone seen Prometheus?

Peace out Alien lovers!