Friday, 21 February 2014

My Youtube Crew!

Hello Guys and Girls!
                             My last post was like last year! :O
A lot's happened since then, obviously I started my YouTube and its going great! I am working on a Minecraft series, which is like KYR SP33DY's CrewCraft! & and GTA V Montages :) Its going great, me and my friend Fahren have been working on some stuff which we r happy with at the moment, so look out for that.

In his words 'So Seductive'

Fahren is into all the funny stuff am into on youtube so we get along famously!
We did have a name for our crew TAGS or TheAnnihilatorGamers, but since
we both like Sp33dy's Crew we call ourselves CRUUK or Crew/Cru UK,
Thank u Fahren for the name

By the way we r trying to recruit more people for the crew lmao

Right thats pretty much all I have time for, so cya people!

Peace Out Minecrafters!