Monday, 30 April 2012

I Feel Like Evel Kinevel Went 12 Rounds With Tyson In Transformers Armour Wielding A Baseball Bat With Spikes In It!

I've woke up this morning with the most severe pain in my lower back (The Davidson's Bad Back Gene!)


Then the top part of me back is starting to hurt and then me knee then me elbow then me friggin neck!

Damn u nature!

Apparently with the top part of me back it happens to anyone! :|

Could happen to u, me (it has!) him, her, mam, dad, uncle jim, auntie betty and cousin billy bob!

I would understand if i had massive boobies like Annie Hawkins-Turner Aka. Norma Stitz who has the biggest natural boobs in the world at a whopping 102ZZZ

But no im Sean Dodds Aka. SkiddyDrongo with man size boobies!


Now me (Right) hips just cracked/popped!

By the way!

Here is Annie Hawkins-Turner Aka. Norma Stitz

I mean cmon who need boobs that big?

You would think she would have a reduction or at least put em in a trolley or a basket or summit

Anyway i'm going totally off track!

I'm in pain... OUCH!

Peace Out Ya Big Tits!

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