Thursday, 17 May 2012

Day 4 In The Ware Street House!

Talk like The Narrator off Big Brother!

Sean has had quite a shitty day today!

Today has been filled with lies, embarrassment and upset-ment. But some of the other house mates have cheered him up including former housemate, Rachel (Sean's Girlfriend)

Sean has had some Bolognase Hotpockets and a cuppa tea with chocolate biscuits for tea. Sean is going to update his other blog after he has updated his massively collective '6' followers about his life in The Ware Street House!

Sean and a housemate were talking about why the rules of The Ware Street House were there as he was not happy with his Ware Street House Photo! So he wanted to know if someone could bring a camera in and re-take it. She said no cause its against the rules, Sean asked 'Why?' and she said 'Because some IDIOT has done it in the past and obviously wasn't aloud to so they put the rule in place' Sean had never looked at it in that way, then he started thinking about in other jobs or buildings what has somebody to make these rules up...


It makes him think.

Who goes? You decide!

Comment Question Of The Day
What funny rules have you seen in your job?

Peace Out Rule Breakers!


  1. hiya, managed to join but dunno how to use it :P lol xx

    1. HIYA! al teach u when a come round on saturday me darling! x love u x

  2. Thank you xx love you too xx
