Saturday, 12 May 2012

Percy Pringle And The Box In My Room

We r looking after a Pigeon who The Bowens have names Percy

Its been kept in my room in a box with water, food and newspaper for reading material whilest shitting on it!

The dog has been very curious about the strange box in me room
So she went up there to see

So me, Rosa and Kelsey went running up and found the pigeon on my DVD's and the dog in between the box and my bed!

Dont worry the Pigeon and the Dog r fine

So i put him/her on my bed with the water and cleaned out her home and put her back in with some Seed!

So all's good in the hood!

What is the weirdest animal u have ever had to look after?

Me mother before i was born looked after a Seagull called Jonathan Livingston Seagull!

Peace Out Animal Lovers!

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